
6/13/06 - Life's a Circus!

Ah, today is June 13, 2006… Ric and I have been married 5 years today! In some ways it seems like so much longer… because we’ve enjoyed so much together… know so much about each other… have so many wonderful memories to recall. And in these last five months we’ve learned how much strength we have together! It’s a good day… a good day to celebrate!

I went in the bedroom to tell Ric goodbye before going to work. I wished him a Happy Anniversary… and told him I had a prize for him by the coffee pot. “A prize?” he giggled. “Don’t you mean a present?” Of course. I don’t know why I used the word prize.

On my way to work, I came to an intersection, where I was supposed to turn right… but I started to go straight, even though I was in the lane to right. I quickly turned the steering wheel at the last minute and continued on. Just a few more feet ahead I was to turn left… I mean really had to turn left, because there was a hillside and a curb directly in front of me! But I didn’t turn the wheel soon enough, and hit the hill and the curb while making the turn… BANG. I drove just a few feet more, and pulled over to check the damage. None to the body of the car, but my tire was flat and busted and the wheel was bent. What the heck just happened?

I called Ric… then AAA. Ric was the first one to my rescue. He said, “I should have known something was up with you, when you said you had a prize for me this morning.” And we discussed the possibility that I should not drive anymore. No, no, no… this has never happened before… plus, it’s enough to go through all this crap… don’t take my freedom away. I did agree not to drive if I was feeling strange in any sort of way. I didn’t feel strange when I left for work this morning though. I’ll have to trust Ric on this one. AAA arrived quickly, changed the tire. Ric took me to work. Thanks to Johnny D for bringing my car to the station. My car is spending the night in the shop… will be fixed by tomorrow.

I later asked Ric, so that I could relay to the doctor tomorrow… what I was like this morning. He said it was like I was just a little half-step away from reality… both in the way I was talking… and obviously, in the way I was driving. Sensing my alarm, he stated that with all the trauma and major changes my body has gone through in these last months, it’s no wonder that sometimes I’m going to be just a little off my game.

I saw a brief interview with Oprah and Melissa Ethridge today. Melissa said chemotherapy robbed her of her body during the time of treatment. She explained to Oprah that chemo destroys every dividing cell in your body. Every! That’s its purpose… destroy cancer cells, but the good cells go along for the ride. The good/normal cells eventually repair themselves… but during the actual treatment… it’s a different body… and a different life.

Ric brought a huge bouquet of pink rosebuds to me today! Oh they’re soooooooo pretty. And what’s so special… is that he knows I’m not a big fan of red roses… what I really like best is pink rosebuds, and he remembered! Now, that’s romantic.

After work, Ric and I had dinner at the first place we went for a dinner date… Sitar of India, on Lee Street. After five years of marriage… we know to be grateful not only for the good times, but for the tough times that give us the opportunity to grow. I’m glad Ric and I are married. And the prize? I got the prize… that would be Ric!

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