
1/14/12 - The Proper Way to Sling Mud

Today's entry has little to do with having breast cancer.  I am glad to say that although I feel a little beat up physically... scars on the right... scars on the left... I have no pain, just some slight discomfort.  Emotionally, I feel terrific!  It's a normal day... as normal as it gets in the Cochran household.  You see, Ric and I aren't always politically correct in the privacy of each others company.  So today, I'll let you peek inside our living room and see what makes us say "Good Grief!!!"

I love my newspaper, but it drives me crazy to read the Reader's Voice or Ventline, unless... Ric has written his politically incorrect comments alongside the entries.  Today, I'm up early and Ric is still slumbering, so I decided to venture in there on my own.  There were two comments that stunned me.

"I have to admit I was on the fence about the whole mountain-top removal issue, but after finding out the Bible supports it, I support it too.  Thank you to our surface miners and God bless you." 

Well, now we can really be angry with ESPN's Brad Nesslor... for heaven's sake, even the Bible refers to West Virginia! 

But here's the one that made me LOL louder than I will at any other point during this day:

"The really sad thing about the Republican primary is the mean, vicious and twisted distortions being leveled at other Republicans.  Those type of attacks are supposed to be used only against President Obama and other Democrats."

Can someone please come and help me up off the floor?

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