
1/21/12 - Charting My Progress

10:00 am
Moving along, charting my progress.  Hope this helps those who need it.

Sleep was a little restless last night, as one medication with the side effect of drowsiness fought with another that causes insomnia!  I think I took Bodhi for a short walk yesterday morning... everything seems a bit foggy right now, as I slept so much yesterday.  I had a nice slow walk with Bodhi this morning... was glad he sensed that I could not walk at our usual fast pace.  I felt good after the walk, but then realized it was nearly time to go to work.  The V100 team alternates working the Saturday shift.  Jenny offered to work for me today (bless her kind heart), but I thought it would be good for me to work today, and ease back into my regular workday on Monday.  Saturdays are quiet air-shifts, with no contests, so a pretty easy workday.  So far, so good, but for anybody else, including me!, this would be a sick day.  I feel jittery inside. I feel a disconnect with what I'm doing - everything I normally do automatically here in the studio, I now have to stop and think about.  I feel kinda like I'm moving in slow motion as well.  Also, I'm all red!  I do not have a fever. I now recall that I looked this way for a while after chemo that I had 6 years ago.  It's either from the chemo itself, or the med I'm taking to prevent allergic reactions.  I only have to take it for a few more days.  I had a piece of cinnamon toast for breakfast this morning, and am happy that there is no nausea.  I have not even felt the need to take the anti-nausea medicine this morning... a good sign that I'm heading toward feeling better each day!

12:30 pm
My lips feel numb.  Mmmmmm... I usually only get this feeling if I've had an alcoholic beverage. :-)  But only 1/2 cup of coffee this morning, and lots of water!

1:00 pm
Feel a whole new wave of side effects coming over me now.  My hands and legs are feeling a bit numb right now.  Neuropathy is a side-effect of the Taxotere... guess that's what's coming on. A little scary.

2:45 pm
I think sleep is calling me again.  Good to be at work today... but looking forward to crawling back in my warm bed for a while.  Eager to watch DVR's of past week's American Idol episodes... hope I can do that with Ric this evening!

6:00 pm
Came home and tried to nap, but didn't sleep... the rest was good though!  Ric and I enjoyed some yummy soup and cornbread from our friend, Peggy.  The numbness in my body is starting to ease up a bit, but still there, along with the jittery feeling inside.  I'm not red anymore.  Actually feel pretty good this evening.  Settling in to watch my recordings of American Idol.

All in all, this first round of chemo was much, much easier that last time!  I'm used to feeling energetic and alert, and now I'm sluggish and my thinking process seems slowed.  I need to remember that I'm still within a few days of the chemo treatment and to give myself some time to feel "normal" again. I now recall a comment on one of my blog entries... this is what I need to do:  
"Smile, breathe, and go slowly."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

1 comment:

  1. What a woman you are... Love you and will continue to pray for you....
