
7/27/06 - Vacation Day 3

This would have been a chemo day… had I not finished two weeks ago! This was the day for me to really feel like I was finished with the treatments. I had a little celebration in my head. The worst of the side effects are over now… and I can expect to feel better and better each day.

We went to the Huntington Mall today. Tierra had won a gift certificate for Borders from school for accelerated reading… so we went to spend it! Ate lunch at McDonalds. It was a newly remodeled McDonalds… partitioned off in little private sections. An older gentleman came over to exclaim over my beautiful granddaughters… and also said that he didn’t like the new McDonalds – you couldn’t look around and see who was there! I realized once again that many people come to public places not so much to get something to eat, as to mingle and chat with other folks.

We went to a toy store before we left… Tierra got a cute little baby doll, with all the fixings… clothes, little bed and pillow, bottle, etc.

Stopped at Kroger on the way home for more milk… I had underestimated the amount of milk required for two growing little girls.

We came home and just had “family time”… playing with toys, talking, laughing, singing and dancing, snacking, trying to catch the cats (who by the way have been making themselves very scarce)… just enjoying each other’s company and having fun.

I became really tired this evening though… realized my physical self was still not what it used to be. I really appreciated Tierra’s help with Sophie… she’s so caring with her. It’s really remarkable how well they get along.

Eventually we went to bed, massaged and giggled ourselves into relaxation… lights out… quiet… then…

Doro-thy the Dino-saur♪♫”
I laughed and then said to Tierra, “I thought we turned that off.” She said, “I turned it back on so we could have some more family time.”

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