
2/18/12 - Day after Second Chemo

I am pleased to be doing amazingly well today.  I got a good night's sleep.  Thanks, sweet Ric, for taking Bodhi for his early morning walk so that I could sleep in!  I feel a little shaky, but that's normal for having just received chemo, and I'm drinking lots of water to get it all flushed out of my system.  My mind is racing today, and I'm hopping all over the house taking pictures of things I want to put on this blog today... and thoughts I've been wanting to write about, but haven't had the time or energy to do so.  I'm likely feeling this energy boost from the steroids I'm taking for a few days, but you know what?  I'll take it!  Red flushed face and all.  Ric and I are going to the Southridge iHop today for our favorite blueberry pancakes.  We're hoping for a nice quiet, no evacuation, breakfast!  iHop Evacuation
Yes, my face really is this red today... no makeup

And if I still have some energy, I'm going to stop by Target and get a new tube of mascara for the dozen or so eyelashes I have left! 

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