
1/22/12 - I'm Baaaaaaack!

Wow!  Woke up this morning feeling like a new woman!  Bodhi and I took a long walk together!  I came home and had a cup of coffee, cinnamon toast, read the Sunday paper... just like normal. I've needed to do some shopping for several days now, and so I took off to Pet Smart and Target!  It was like being in Disney Land!  A whole new world!  What used to be a routine chore, was now a delight!  I did not realize until this morning, what a fog I've been in for the past month.  And sunshine today to boot!

After I walked around for a while, I could feel the quivering inside again, but I felt great in spite of it.  I'm pretty sure this is a side-effect of the steroid I'm taking.  Thank goodness tomorrow is the last day. (I don't know why anyone would want to take steroids for any reason other than what is necessary for a health situation.  It makes me red and obviously jittery and uneasy.)  I continue to have the numbness too, but it's not getting any worse.  Also my gums are a little sore, as well as my throat.  I'm not getting a cold, this is one of the side-effects of the chemo drugs.  No complaints here... just jotting this down so that others recovering from a chemo treatment will be aware these are things to expect.  I'm not paying much attention to these minor things... I'm just happy to feel energetic and alive again! 

What has helped me to reach this point of exhilaration and getting back to feeling like Jeanne?

First... all the prayers, support, and loving energy sent my way... from family, friends, strangers... even from Mexico!  Muchas gracias por las oraciones, mi familia y mis amigos mexicanos!  Prayers and good thoughts really do make a difference.  I often felt like I was experiencing one gigantic hug!

Our friends from Unity Church have brought meals to Ric and I each evening since Thursday.  It was really hard for me to accept the food, but my friends made it clear that they wanted to do this for us.  What a tremendous help.  I didn't have to think about what we would eat, nor did I have to cook.  Nutritious and delicious meals were brought to us ready to go.  Thanks to Peggy for organizing everything!  (BTW, she used a wonderful website recommended by my friend, Judy, to organize the meals... Ric and I could even peek and see what we were going to have for dinner. :-)  It's called Take Them A Meal.  A great tool if you want to use it for people you know who could benefit from it as well.

My employers and co-workers at West Virginia Radio/V100 have made work absolutely stress-free for me.  They ask nothing more of me than what I've been able to deliver.  It's been clearly stated to me that my health comes first.  They cover for me with glad hearts!

So... all of this has enabled me to have plenty of time to rest, sleep and take good care of myself these past four days.  Not having to worry about meals, giving in to sleep whenever I needed it, not worrying about missing work... has allowed me the healing time I need.  I'm tremendously grateful.

I can't emphasize enough how much the meals have helped us.  If you know of someone trying to heal from any kind of surgery, if you do nothing else, feed them!  With breast cancer, in particular, I was fortunate enough to have a lumpectomy.  If you know of someone who had to have a mastectomy or double mastectomy, they're going to need a LOT more help.  And... I don't know how women with young children manage to get the rest they need.  Children require a lot of care... so if you can take the kids overnight, help get them ready for school, etc., don't hesitate to do it.  And they'll require food too!!!

I've been blessed.  Today's lesson:

Accept help when you need it...
let people have a chance to do a good thing.
Give help when you see a need... it heals.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne...You have no idea how much of a blessing you are and inspiration. I loved hearing your laugh today when I popped in. I love you so much and I hope others can see the positive side of this and YOU!!!!!!!!!! Big hugs to you, Ric and to Bohdi!! Syl
