
4/30/06 - Sunny Days

It’s been a great weekend… I’ve felt so good. Slept a little later than usual yesterday morning… went to work… came home and napped, before going to Marietta to see Nic in his play… M*A*S*H… it was fun. Thought I might be tired after a longer than usual day… but I wasn’t. Came home and finished the last three chapters of Coastliners by Joanne Harris… great book about life on a French island. Had a very good night’s sleep.

Ric mowed the yard… the whole yard… all by himself yesterday. He did more yard work today. We spent the first five years together saying we didn’t want to own a home again… and have to deal with yard work and such. Ric’s been walking around yesterday and today… saying “I mowed the yard… front and side… the whole yard… all by myself.” Me thinks I hear no protesting.

Today we just took it easy… going out to eat… loafing at the bookstore… coming back home and eating homemade soup from a friend! Delicious. As I was serving the soup, Ric said that I seemed to be bouncing around pretty good. I realized that Yes, I feel quite energetic. Plus I realized that after feeling so good for a few days in a row… I had actually taken today for granted!

I always have medications to take after chemo… and medications ready to take if necessary. I hate that row of gold-orange bottles that line the bathroom counter. As soon as I’m finished with them I put them away… until the next chemo week. When they’re gone, and I’m feeling good… I can almost forget I’m “sick.” The only reminders are little things… not eating certain foods, making sure I drink lots of fluids, using hand sanitizer all the time, and wearing a hat or wig… but even those things are becoming so routine that they’ll soon be barely noticeable. I want to be aware of when I’m having good days… and felt slightly guilty when I realized I’d taken today for granted. But now I realize it was a gift. God is awesome… even in the ordinary!

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