
6/27/06 - Gifts

Overslept this morning. Electric went off yesterday and I reset the clock to AM yesterday evening instead of PM! The upside is I got an extra 1-1/2 hours sleep! The downside was… well, there wasn’t one. I got to work in time, managed to get everything done I needed to before going on the air. I guess some extra sleep was a gift!

I had some pain during the night, but one pain pill got me through. The rest of the day – pain free! The only symptoms I have had today of being a chemo patient: tired, numb fingertips and being bald!

My birthday is tomorrow and since Ric and I will be busy tomorrow evening, he took me out for dinner tonight and then shopping. Oh, he’s such a brave man. Tomorrow I will be wearing new clothes and new shoes to work.

We were watching the news tonight about a small bridge collapse. A truck was apparently higher than the clearance. I asked Ric, “How can someone not know the height of the vehicle they’re driving?” Ric’s reply: “The same way someone cannot know the width of the van they’re driving.” Ooops… obviously referring to the two times I scratched the side of the V100 van. The more he snickered the clearer the image kept coming back to me of the time he drove off in a station van with the broadcast antennae still up and it came crashing down on MacCorkle Avenue. It was a cold, snowy night and he called me to come help. I drove up behind him… and oh what a pitiful sight. He had stuffed the antenna parts into the van, with bungy cords holding the side door and back doors closed, snow falling really hard. I tried not to remind him of that night, but I couldn’t hold back the giggles and it all came blurting out. Ric said, “Does that make you feel better… to remind me of that?” “No, it breaks my heart to recall how pitiful you looked.” I guess because I was chuckling so much he said, “That’s a bit hard to believe, Jeanne.” “Honestly, Ric, I would be crying right now… if I could just stop laughing.”

Oh gosh… I probably shouldn’t put that entry on-line. Nah… he won’t care. Just one funny little incident. Well, for some reason… another just came to my mind. That’s the time he put a large iced tea to-go on top of his car and drove off. We’ve all done that, of course. Only Ric’s didn’t fall off till he opened the sun roof… then it fell… into his lap!

Now I feel a bit guilty telling these funny “Ric stories”, after he took me to dinner and shopping for my birthday. We spent a good part of the evening laughing. And I’m still giggling. I know… he intended those funny memories as a gift too!!! Wow, my husband is way generous!

(I’m a little concerned that he may start his own journal entries after reading this one. In the few years we’ve been together, I’ve given him lots of material too.)

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