
3/17/06 - Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

Previous $’s raised has allowed research that will help me now… and others like me. So many more choices for women today. (Mastectomy vs. lumpectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy vs. axillary, chemo, radiation, medicine to help with side effects, information to help women be knowledgea ble about our bodies, etc., etc., etc.). I’m benefiting right now from what has gone before me. What happens now, will benefit others like me in the future… and I need to remember to tell others, “as much as you may not like hearing it, it could happen to you, or someone you love.” The fact is… a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer during her lifetime is 1 in 8.

Poor, Poor Me

I laid down to rest today… positioned pillows, ice pack, blankets. Needed to turn over on my side… repositioned pillows, ice pack, blankets. The phone rang. It was Ric. I just completely lost it… just cried and cried, feeling completely and absolutely sorry for myself. Ric said he’s on his way home, stay on the phone. I do for a bit, then tell him I want to cry by myself… and I hang up.

Ric comes home and there’s me with puffy eyes, wild hair, flannel shirt, washed out face, crying like a baby. He lets me cry and comforts me at the same time.

Rick Johnson calls and Ric says I should talk to him. I finish up the crying as he talks to me. Rick repeats again that I’m not to worry about work, and wants to know what he can do. I tell him to take care of Ric, and he says that too much. We laugh. He leaves me “in stitches”!

Left, left, left

I catch myself using my right arm/hand when I would normally use my left (avoiding pain). So I just do a few exercises and try to consciously use my left arm more. When I force myself to do it, I feel discomfort at first, but then relief… the stretch actually feels good.

My V Team

So grateful to Rick Johnson, Steve & Jenny… for being willing, so willing, and happy to cover for me while I’m missing so much work. How awful it would be if I had to worry about work in any way. With these guys it’s just the opposite. I know they’re glad to be doing something that helps. What a blessing… my V team.

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